Starting in the stunning Oasis Town of Siwa, we managed to find a jeep driver within our backpacker budget. Along with our two Canadian friends, we planned to cross the Great Sand Sea to the next Oasis town of Bahariya. After a day of haggling over the price, enduring a six-hour drive, and going through eight military checkpoints, we finally made it. The effort was absolutely worth it.
Exhausted from the journey and the past six days of relaxing, swimming in freshwater springs, and biking through palm groves and farmland, we decided to stay in our hotel’s garden area, reading and enjoying tea and coffee.
We had some great conversations with the hotel owner, who was very Westernized and spoke perfect English. He shared his experiences about the revolution and how the Prince took his farmland 10 years ago simply because he could. The owner had no say and couldn’t protest, fearing imprisonment or worse. Just a couple of weeks ago, after the Revolution, the military called him to not only return his land but also give him a few extra acres for the trouble.
He was very emotional discussing how Egyptian, Tunisian, Libyan, and many other Arab countries had been treated by ruling dictators over the past 40 years.
After parting ways with our friends, Nick and I set out on a one-night desert safari with just our guide. Unlike our camel safari in India, this time we rode in a 4×4 Land Cruiser packed with food, mattresses, blankets, and even a table!
We traveled through the fascinating Black Desert, where the sand changes from golden to black due to volcanic rock. We also visited Crystal Mountain, brimming with quartz, and a Bedouin Village where we swam in a natural hot spring.
The desert was unlike anything we’d seen before. The landscape shifted from huge black sand dunes to golden sand, then to bright white rock formations shaped like rabbits, the Sphinx, chickens, and camels.
We set up camp under the stars in the middle of the White Desert at sunset. Our guide did a flawless job setting up camp, including a windscreen to keep us warm at night. After sunset, we enjoyed a delicious BBQ chicken dinner, vegetable stew, rice, and bread under the stars. And then, the foxes arrived!
I was amazed to see five foxes around the camp looking for chicken bones. Around 6:00 AM, our guide said he woke up to find two foxes sleeping by my feet, like domestic dogs. We were told there were cobras in the desert, so maybe the foxes were protecting me.
Any chance we get to be in the desert, we take it. The desert is the most peaceful, serene place. The silence is overwhelming, and even the sound of a bird flying overhead is like an airplane, with no one around for miles.
The best part is the stargazing. With no lights around except for the campfire, the stars shine so brightly and appear in countless numbers. For us, the desert is an escape from the chaos of city life and the challenges of independent travel.
We always have unforgettable experiences and memories that we cherish. Hopefully, we’ll have more desert adventures soon.